The Change Agents

2009 - 2011

In this series I direct my curiosity toward a group of hip, young hair stylists who work at a large, trendy, bustling Soho salon.

As a long-time client, I relish the visual experience of these talented individuals at work, expertly wielding their gleaming tools while emanating beguiling charm.

“You can be like us”, I hear them whisper subliminally. Edgy and artsy, they generate an easy coolness, while hints of alternative lifestyle and gender-play make these makeover masters all the more intriguing.  On some level I relate to them, and yet wonder - Is it all an act? Who are they outside of work?

By making portraits of them in their homes, I was able to discover the various layers of each individual, and in this series I try to reveal some of what I sensed there.